To the summit of Kilimanjaro, with Dad
Apr. 3, 2012—Beth Ann Sastre, M.D., would never describe herself as an “adventure seeker,” but New Year’s Day found her at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, as the first sunrise of 2012 painted a brilliant orange across the horizon and all of Tanzania spread out below. Four days of grueling hiking through rain, wind and cold had brought...
Mar. 2, 2012—OK, let’s just admit here at the beginning that some of these questions aren’t exactly frequently asked. But asking them (and answering them) here has a purpose. That purpose is about something that is sometimes called “institutional memory.” It’s that set of facts, tales and beliefs that defines any collection of people. The collective memory...
Chronology of Major Buildings at VUMC
Mar. 2, 2012—And you may find yourself standing in the middle of a canyon of medical buildings stretching three city blocks, and you may ask yourself, “How did we get here?” Vanderbilt University Medical Center moved to the main campus in 1925, and has been building ever since. A handy history of the major construction at VUMC since Medical Center North was new.
“Jake misses Elizabeth as much as we do”
Mar. 2, 2012—Stories behind the winning pet photos There were great stories behind the winning photographs in this year’s House Organ Pet Poll, the University tradition and annual exercise in democracy that elects Vanderbilt’s Dog of the Year, Cat of the Year and Group or Duo of the Year. More 7,600 votes poured in for the nominees...
Who are these people?
Mar. 2, 2012—Who was Rudolph Light? Or L.C. Langford, Kim Dayani or Bill Wilkerson? This is the place to learn the stories behind the names you see on the buildings around the Medical Center.
2012 duo/group vote results
Feb. 16, 2012—
2012 dog vote results
Feb. 16, 2012—
2012 cat vote results
Feb. 16, 2012—
vote links
Feb. 1, 2012—
Pets of Vanderbilt, 2012
Feb. 1, 2012—As always, hundred and hundreds of pictures were submitted by Vanderbilt staff and faculty for House Organ’s annual Pets of Vanderbilt feature, a Medical Center tradition. Finalists in the Dogs, Cats, and Group or Duo categories are published below, and be sure to click in the blue bars to vote in the 2012 pet poll, which allows readers to vote for their favorites, one vote per category—Dogs, Cats, and Groups or Duos.