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A Shayna Maidel presented in partnership with VU Theatre

Posted by on Wednesday, July 27, 2016 in 2016.


A Shayna MaidelA SHAYNA MAIDEL, by Barbara Lebow

Presented in partnership with VU Theater

Neely AuditoriumPurchase tickets here

Directed by Santiago Sosa, Guest Faculty Director
November 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 @ 8pm, November 6 @ 2pm

Two sisters are suddenly reunited after a 20-year separation. The distance between them has been more than simply geographic, as one survived a Nazi concentration camp while the other enjoyed safety in America. Over the course of one cathartic evening, they reach an intimacy much stronger than the walls of their 1946 New York City apartment. VUTheatre presents this reflection on family and the horrors of the Holocaust which inspired the Emmy Award-winning 1992 film, Miss Rose White.