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Feb. 24, 2021 – Undergraduate Return to Campus Update

Posted by on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 in Community Messages.

COVID-19 public dashboard update

The COVID-19 testing center at the David Williams II Recreation and Wellness Center has reopened and is fully operational. Due to the inclement weather, the testing center was closed Feb. 15-20; thus, a lower volume of asymptomatic testing was conducted last week.  

As a result, asymptomatic testing data for the prior week includes results from testing conducted on Sunday, Feb. 14, where the asymptomatic positive rate was low—0.25 percent. 

COVID-19 vaccine and the Vanderbilt community: What you need to know

A dedicated page is now on the Return to Campus website with answers to some of the most-asked vaccine questions and information about how vaccine  distribution is affecting the Vanderbilt University community. At present, Vanderbilt University is not a distribution site for the vaccine because we are not a health care organization. 

Vaccine distribution is determined by the Tennessee Department of Health, and information about the state’s vaccination plan can be found on  the Tennessee Department of Health website.  

Updated information on student health insurance

The Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) has updated its current COVID-19 services, including access to coverage for testing, treatment and vaccinations. Read more about the updates here on the Return to Campus website. For more information and specific questions, contact 

Outdoor tents have re-opened

Following last week’s snowstorms, most campus tents have reopened and are fully operable. The Peabody Tent is expected to reopen later today. Tents are easy to use,  and no reservation is required unless it is for a group programming activity. To reserve tent space for such events, use the VU online reservation system.

Story spotlight

10 ways to take a break and recharge on campus  

Other news and updates

Feb. 24: Graduate and professional student Return to Campus Update 

Feb. 24: Postdoc Return to Campus Update 

Feb. 24: Faculty Return to Campus Update 

Feb. 24: Staff Return to Campus Update 

-The Return to Campus Team