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Alpha Tau Omega

The Beta Pi chapter of ATO at Vanderbilt prides itself on its tightly knit brotherhood and continuous drive to improve all aspects of its culture. ATO focuses on not only growing its membership, but deliberately recruiting exceptional new members that each bring a unique perspective to the table. Brothers are involved in prestigious student organizations, countless sports including varsity XC, club lacrosse, hockey, soccer, etc., and has the highest GPA of any fraternity at Vanderbilt. ATO brothers also are leaders in the campus community as a whole, with continuous involvement in the Interfraternity Council leadership, working hard to reform and improve the image and actions of the Vanderbilt Greek Community. ATO’s annual Taus for Paws and Holiday for a Hero philanthropy events in aid of local Nashville organizations are just the tip of the iceberg of ATO’s impact on Vanderbilt and Nashville as a whole.

  • Nickname: ATO
  • Founded: Virginia Military Institute, 1865
  • Local Chapter Founded: Beta Pi, 1889
  • Philanthropy: Nashville Humane Society and Operation Stand Down Tennessee
  • Social Media: @vanderbilt_ato
  • National Website: