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National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements


  1. A college Panhellenic shall take no action which infringes on the sovereignty, rights, or privileges of the individual fraternities.
  2. A signed Membership Recruitment Acceptance or a Continuous Open Bidding (COB) Acceptance is binding for one calendar year.
  3. Each College Panhellenic shall establish a Bid Day to conclude the formal membership recruitment period.
  4. NPC fraternity members shall not suggest to any potential member that she refuse a bid from one group in order to wait for a bid from another group or that a potential member list only one choice on her Membership Recruitment Acceptance.
  5. Each installed NPC fraternity chapter shall have one vote (The Delegate)
  6. Each College Panhellenic Council shall establish rules governing membership recruitment activities.
  7. Each College Panhellenic shall prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages or the participation of men in membership recruitment and Bid Day activities.
  8. All members, including alumnae and new members, are bound to the rules governing membership recruitment.