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GDR Faculty/Student Portal

Resources for Prospective Students

For newly admitted GDR students

General Information and Resources for Current Students and Faculty

Registration, Courses, and Forms

  • YES - Your Enrollment System - After logging in to YES, you can search for all courses (i.e. REL), for a particular course (i.e. REL 2503), or for all courses taught by an instructor (with the advanced search, searching by last name).  Faculty, please note that YES displays the course information specific to the course designation, so the online grading tool is the best way to see your complete class roll if a course is cross-listed.
  • The Graduate School has implemented the new Doctoral Workflow form for PhD students. GDR PhD students use this link to Appoint/Modify a PhD Committee, Schedule/Modify a Qualifying Exam, Schedule/Modify a Dissertation Defense, Extend Deadline to Enter Candidacy, or Extend Candidacy. User Guide links can be found on the Vanderbilt Graduate School Academic Forms & Guidelines webpage.
  • Forms for Graduate Education (MA & PhD) *Includes links to Graduate School Request for graduate credit for an undergraduate or professional course, Request to Appoint or Change Adviser, Transfer Credit Worksheet, and Permission to audit
    Additional GDR Departmental Forms:  Qualifying Exam Worksheet, Dissertation Proposal, Minor Area Worksheet, Request for Incomplete
  • Students must now request Independent study and Reading or Directed study courses directly from their landing page in YES.

Dissertation and Thesis


Divinity Library | Heard Library

Resources for Teaching and Advising

Teaching Fellowship and External Funding

Comprehensive GDR student listserv

GDR Administration