Vanderbilt Brain Institute briefs congressional staff on the effects of stress on the brain
Earlier this month the Office of Federal Relations hosted a congressional briefing featuring Vanderbilt Brain Institute Barlow Family Director Lisa Monteggia who presented on the effects of stress on the brain and body. Read MoreNov. 20, 2023
Federal Update: Rep. Mark Green, congressional staff visit Vanderbilt; FY23 Omnibus highlights; TN delegation moves into committee leadership
This update from the Office of Federal Relations is part of ON THE HILL – Issue 10. ON THE HILL is a biannual report summarizing activity at all three levels of government, as outlined by representatives from our Offices of Federal Relations, State Government Relations and Local Government Relations. Rep. Read MoreAug. 25, 2023
Hello world!
Welcome to Vanderbilt University Digital Strategies. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!… Read MoreAug. 7, 2023