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Part VIII Vanderbilt University Compliance Program and Standards of Conduct

(Snapshot on 6/23/2022)

For the updated version of the Faculty Manual reflecting the revisions to the Standards of Conduct Policy effective 9/13/2019, please visit the snapshot of the Faculty Manual here. 


Appendix A: Abbreviations

The complete term is used the first time it appears. It is noted below if the relevant term is specific to one part of the university, such as the School of Medicine.

ACC: Administrative Compliance Committee

AUP: Acceptable Use Policy

B-TRC: Tenure Review Committee (Blair)

CTTC: Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization

CRO: Chief Research Officer (Vanderbilt University Medical Center)

ECEF: Executive Committee of the Executive Faculty (School of Medicine)

EF: Executive Faculty (School of Medicine)

FAPC: Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee (School of Medicine)

FCA: Both the Federal False Claims Act and the Tennessee False Claims Act

FDA: Food and Drug Administration

FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (aka the Buckley Amendment)

FFCA: Federal False Claims Act

FSA: Flexible Spending Account

FMLA: Family and Medical Leave Act

IT: Information Technology

NSF: National Science Foundation

ORI: Office of Research Integrity

SOM: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

PHS: Public Health Service

PRTC: Promotion and Tenure Review Committee

TFCA: Tennessee False Claims Act

TMLA: Tennessee Maternity Leave Act

TRC: Technology Review Committee

USERRA: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

VUMC: Vanderbilt University Medical Center


Appendix B: Gender Pronouns

Gender pronouns are a way to refer to individuals without using names. Using the correct gender pronoun is an important part of recognizing a faculty colleague. Historically, singular gender pronoun usage of she/her/hers and he/him/his conform to and reify a binary classification of man and woman. Other pronouns, however, do not fit into this binary, including, but are not limited to, they/them/theirs and ze/hir/hirs. (See So as not to misrecognize any faculty member by reifying the she-he gender binary, the faculty manual deploys they/she/he pronouns, or where readability recommends it, the universal singular “they.”