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Vendor Information

The Vanderbilt University Facilities Department serves the entire Vanderbilt community and aims to provide the best, timely services. Working closely with suppliers and vendors is a key component to the team delivering optimal services, and this document is a resource about what the university expects from hired vendors and how vendors can assist the Facilities Department in providing outstanding, innovative services to its customers.  

University Map

To locate our facilities, go to

FutureVU is a framework for the development of Vanderbilt’s campus over the next 20-30 years.  The initiative considers core themes, such as connectivity and community enhancement, diversity and inclusion, accessibility, environmental sustainability, and preservation of the university’s historic park-like setting – in support of Vanderbilt’s Academic Strategic Plan.

Vendors should pay close attention to the Land Use Plans included within.

More information about FutureVU can be located HERE.

Please email for more information and to receive the new supplier packet. 

For more information on supplier procedures click HERE.

If Vendors are to be performing any type of repetitive service or will be performing Vanderbilt services that will require multiple Purchase Orders, they are required to undergo an evaluation to determine if a Purchasing Agreement should be established with Vanderbilt University Procurement department.  This analysis needs to be conducted and evaluated within the first three months of initial work performed at Vanderbilt.  Inquiries with all necessary information, quotes, history of work, insurance, etc., can be found on the Procurement website HERE or for general Purchasing Services questions email

Send Supplier Onboarding and Oracle forms to:[FCM1] 

For more information on supplier, procedures click HERE.

To ensure timely payment of invoices please follow these invoicing instructions HERE.

All invoices must clearly state service/repairs provided and costs, location of work, and when applicable, a work order.

Submit Invoices with Purchase Order Number prominently displayed on the invoice to: [FCM2] 

Invoicing questions should be sent to and copy

Suppliers wishing to be considered for future business are required to use Vanderbilt University’s Supplier Portal for self-service supplier registration in Oracle Cloud by clicking on the link

Our suite of contracts can be found HERE.

A Purchase Order is required prior to performing any work at Vanderbilt.  Vanderbilt’s standard purchase order terms and conditions are accessible HERE.

Contact the Facilities Manager or Project Manager you are working with if you have any questions.

The Campus Planning and Construction team uses e-Builder to manage all major construction and capital projects.  For more information check out the e-Builder Resources HERE.  Supplier/Vendor login can be found HERE.

See the Contractor Background Check Policy HERE.

See relevant contract documents.

Vendors will enforce strict discipline and good order among vendor employees. Vendor employee conduct expectations are laid out in the contract and should be adhered to all times.

Vanderbilt University is a smoke-free campus. Smoking/vaping is prohibited in all buildings on campus, including university residence halls and Greek chapter houses, and on the grounds of the campus with the exception of designated outdoor smoking areas.

The smoking policy can be found HERE.

Permitted smoking areas can be found HERE.

Vanderbilt University is committed to the highest standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity in pursuit of its mission of education, research, and public service. All members of the Board of Trust, the Chancellor, General Officers, members of the Executive Administration, administrative officers, members of the faculty and staff, and others representing Vanderbilt University are expected to adhere to Vanderbilt’s standards of conduct in the discharge of their duties. 

Vendors are expected and required to help Vanderbilt abide by this policy and require written acceptance that this policy is followed with all relationships that are created with Vanderbilt.

Failure to comply with this policy is immediate grounds for elimination of any further relationships with that Vendor and its subsidiaries. More information on Vanderbilt’s Conflict of Interest policy can be found HERE.

All Vendors are required to identify themselves and their company when on Vanderbilt property, by obtaining picture ID’s with essential information such as organization name and representative’s name.  This ID must be worn and visible at all times while on Vanderbilt property.  Plant Operations and VUPS personnel have the right to ask the Vendor representative to present this ID to determine if they truly have a purpose to be on campus.  We encourage vendors to provide their employees' uniforms, work shirts, and outer garments identifying their company.

All employees of each organization, including temporary workers, must be identified at all times.  Vendors are responsible for initiating the request and ensuring that the identification requirements are met for all of their workers. 

For temporary workers, it is acceptable to establish a temporary badge without a picture ID since the work for these staff may be unpredictable.  The Vendor should contact the Project Manager when a temporary badge is requested. The following information must be provided:

·      Name (of the employee)

·      Company Affiliation (who they are working for)

·      Work Location (building or area)

·      Effective Date From and To (expected start and finish dates for job)

The temporary badge (Attachment B) will be issued by the Project Manager.  The person applying for a temporary badge must show a photo ID when picking up the badge.  All information used on the badge must also be annotated on the Vendor Employee Temporary ID Badge Log (Attachment C) which is kept by the university.

Note:  Temporary badges are not transferable to other employees.

For permanent employees, card application forms (Attachment D) are available from the Project Manager.  The form will be completed by the Vendor employee and submitted to the Project Manager. 

The Project Manager will contact the Commodore Card Office to inform them of the work schedule.  The Vendor employee will then take the application form to the Card Office at 184 Sarratt to obtain the ID badge.

The university will bear the cost of the ID badge when it is first issued.  Lost or stolen badges must be replaced at the expense of the Vendor.  Lost or stolen badges must be reported immediately to the Project Manager.

The Project Manager will coordinate temporary construction keying and all related issues of access and building security into a facility during work. Card access will be permitted on a case-by-case basis. See Attachment D: Commodore Card office form for card access to buildings for non-Vanderbilt employees. This form is to be filled out by the Project Manager on a case-by-case basis.

Additionally, keys to access university buildings and spaces may be requested by the Project Manager per the Plant Operations Key Control Procedure. Most keys for these purposes are only issued on a daily basis, requiring keys be checked-out at the beginning of each day and checked-in at the end of each day.

All Vendors and Construction workers parking on the Vanderbilt campus must purchase Vendor permits. These permits are available for 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, or for a year.  Currently, Vendor Permits are valid only in non-Reserved Zone parking spaces in the 25th Avenue Garage, Lots 77, 72C, 72D, 72E, 75A, and at loading docks (while loading and unloading ONLY).  For updated Vendor information, please check our website HERE.  You should check this site often to ensure that you have the latest information. Vehicles with VN permits may not be left on campus when the owner/operator is not working on campus.

Vehicle parking or standing is prohibited on campus in areas not specifically designated for parking. Parking areas within the University complex are clearly marked. Any area not lined as a space or designated with a parking sign is a NO PARKING area.  Parking is not allowed on sidewalks, lawns, or on patios without specific written approval.  Anyone parked in Pay Parking areas in garages or in Meters must pay the appropriate rates.

Contact: Parking Services

Phone:  615-322-2554  


Parking Maps can be found HERE.

Parking Rules and Regulations can be found HERE.

To maintain a pedestrian-friendly environment, bollards have been placed on various pathways to restrict vehicle traffic except when necessary.  Vanderbilt has two types of bollards, manual and electronic. 

For manual bollards, contact the Project Manager or Facilities Manager with the dates and times you need bollards moved so they can submit work order requests on your behalf.

For electronic bollards, vendors should request approval for neighborhood access by contacting the Project Manager or Facilities Manager who will obtain access on behalf of the vendor. A work order will be generated allowing BSC to know who is authorized to enter and provide the vendor with a one-day pass request.  Vendors with approval will be able to contact BSC at the stanchions. 

The bollards are programmed to be down for one minute and thirty seconds from the time a valid card is swiped to the time the bollard begins to rise again.  A pressure loop has been installed in the ground to detect a vehicle trying to leave that will automatically lower the bollards and prevent them from raising if the vehicle is over the loop.  The system is designed for one vehicle at a time, piggybacking is discouraged.  It is very likely the second vehicle will be damaged by the bollards returning to their secure position.


Contactors may need access for material deliveries or to work at a house.  This is acceptable, however, please ensure the vendor staff understands vehicular access for the foreman’s vehicle is acceptable, parking for the workers and each sub is not allowed, nor is parking for convenience’s sake in front of a house.

No vehicles should be left overnight on roads restricted by bollards, nor be parked in front of the bollards as these access points must remain available for emergency vehicles to use the fire lanes.  Parking vehicles on the walks for extended periods of time is strongly discouraged as is the staging of construction equipment.  Similarly, the use of heavy equipment should be discouraged.  The pavers are not designed to accommodate the twisting pressure of vehicular tires and may rut or become otherwise displaced. 

Any damage caused by the vendor to pavers will be the responsibility of the vendor.

Care must be taken to maintain or to designate rerouting of primary pedestrian circulation channels around the work areas. Barriers are to display appropriate signage conveying detour routes. Site lighting should illuminate peripheral areas adequately for safe pedestrian passage along detours at night.

Any work that will disrupt campus activities should be approved by the Facilities Review Committee at least four weeks in advance of the activities. To bring topics to the Facilities Review Committee, contact the Project Manager or Facilities Manager.

Vendors must maintain access routes to and from the project, protect project premises from mud, sand, stone, litter, and debris of any form. Access and site protection is the Vendor’s responsibility. Any damage, temporary soiling of an area, or misuse of property within, or exterior to a work site shall be corrected to the original condition to the satisfaction of Vanderbilt. Corrective measures that must be taken by outside parties at Vanderbilt's direction upon failure of Vendor(s) to make the mutually agreed upon corrections, will be the financial responsibility of the Vendor(s).

A permit for cutting and welding with portable gas on ARC equipment shall be filed two days before starting work. The form may be obtained from the Powerhouse Manager, Facilities Manager, or Project Manager and must be displayed at the work site.

The Vendor should make every reasonable attempt to recycle all materials, whenever feasible. On smaller projects, the Vendor will request permission from Vanderbilt to utilize university dumpster(s). When granted this permission, the Vendor will recycle scrap metal, electronics, cardboard, aluminum, plastic, and paper in the same manner as university personnel; moreover, these items should be taken to university recycling collection centers by the Vendor or arrangements made through the project manager to have recycling receptacles located at the project site. The Project Manager will instruct the Vendor on the locations of the university recycling centers.

Vendor must be familiar with the university’s guidelines and procedures for hazardous waste, universal waste, and recycling. Information on hazardous waste and universal waste management and disposal is available HERE, while information on recycling is available HERE.