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GIS Mapping

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the University’s campus maps and associated data. Through the use of GIS applications, the team creates and maintains different university assets to display them through a multimedia process. This data includes communications (copper, fiber optics), electric, natural gas, fuel, chilled water, sewer, steam, water and other mapable assets. A map is a symbolic depiction emphasizing relationships between elements of some space, such as objects, regions, or themes.

Maps are available on the right hand side of this page. The public maps are available to the pubic for interactive use. The pdf maps are available publicly for viewing or download. The private maps are for Vanderbilt Staff only and the staff member must be logged into VPN and have a ArcGIS log on.


To download GIS data please click here.


Maps shown below are specific specialized maps and tours.

For more information about GIS or to contact the GIS department please email

To make a GIS Mapping request please submit ticket through ReADY using the Space, GIS(Maps) & Library Archive icon.

Main Campus Map


Utility PDF’s (Must have a VUNetID to view maps)

Utility PDF Maps