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Trainees of ESI receive high praise

Posted by on Friday, April 8, 2022 in featured.

By: Andy Flick Evolutionary Studies Initiative scientific coordinator

We congratulate all trainees who applied for grants this cycle regardless of the result. Putting together major grants is hard work and a feat in and of itself. So, for those that didn’t get funded, keep your heads up, we still think you’re awesome!

For the NSF GRFP, we were thrilled to hear that Audrey Arner’s (Amanda Lea lab) project was funded (Biological Anthropology) and Reese Martin’s (Ann Tate lab) project got honorable mention (Evolutionary Biology). Audrey also received an ESI Pilot Grant a few months ago. Christina Chavez (Antonis Rokas lab) got honorable mention from the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Program for her application.

These are amazing achievements and we’re excited to see where their work goes in the future.

Hands clapping with the word congratulations at the top

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