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EVOST: Evolution@Vanderbilt Organization for Students and Trainees

Mission: Create a community of students and trainees interested in any facet of evolutionary studies for the following purposes:

  1. To enrich individual research goals and intellectual development through interdisciplinary communication and collaboration;
  2. To support the missions of the Evolution@Vanderbilt Initiative through attendance at events; and
  3. To support the missions of the Evolution@Vanderbilt Initiative by leading events/initiatives.

Commitment: Students who join EVOST are expected to:

  1. Attend Evolution@Vanderbilt seminars and events when possible;
  2. Promote the activities of the Evolution@Vanderbilt Initiative within their individual labs, departments or schools;
  3. Attend 2 meetings of the EVOST per semester

Goals moving forward: The goals proposed are, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Create a list-serve of individuals involved in EVOST;
  2. Propose speakers for the following year’s Evolutionary Studies weekly seminar series;
  3. Meet with speakers of interest;
  4. Meet twice a semester to discuss the Evolutionary Studies, provide feedback, and socialize with the faculty board of Evolutionary Studies.

Other potential initiatives: There are a number of initiatives that could be taken on by EVOST depending on interest and availability (with funding provided by the Center). These include opportunities such as:

  1. Establish an annual Darwin Day at Vanderbilt;
  2. Outreach initiatives focused on evolution within the Nashville community;
  3. A day long Evolution-themed symposium / retreat hosted at Vanderbilt; and
  4. Your idea here!

Request to join the official student organization following this link.