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Statement from @EvolutionVU Against Racism, discrimination, and injustice

Posted by on Sunday, June 7, 2020 in featured.

During a time wrought with economic, social, and health crises, we wish to reaffirm some of the core values that guide the actions of the Evolutionary Studies Initiative at Vanderbilt University. Our core values include trust, respect, compassion, and understanding. We commit to continuing to espouse these values. As a result, we do not tolerate acts of racism, discrimination, or injustice.

As scholars in evolutionary biology and its applications, we emphasize that racism and discrimination are unjust, that diverse lines of scientific evidence clearly refute racist ideologies, and that categories of race, which have profound impacts on how people are perceived and treated, are socially constructed.

We vow to continue to take a stance against racism, discrimination, and injustice. We are scientists, researchers, scholars, students, and professors that believe all humans deserve the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We are minorities and allies standing for minorities. We are humans.


Select Sample of Statements and Resources from Scientific Societies on Race- and Racism-Related Topics:
American Association of Physical Anthropologists Statement on Race & Racism
Society for the Study of Evolution
American Society of Human Genetics
Genetics Society of America
American Society for Microbiology