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Daniel Levin

Professor, Department of Psychology and Human Development
Co-Director, Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience Program

Research Interests: Research in the Levin lab is focused on the interface between concepts and visual perception. To this end, we have been exploring the concepts associated with a variety of object categories, and the knowledge that drives visual selection during scene and event perception. Some of our research explores how knowledge and other basic cognitive constraints affect scene and event perception. For example, we are currently exploring how people perceive the sequence of natural visual events, and how they represent space while viewing films. In a related line of research, we are exploring adults’ and childrens’ concepts about agency, and testing how these concepts affect event perception, human-computer interaction, and learning from agent-based tutoring systems. Other work explores the perception of scenes and events, especially in the context of cinema. In one project we created a short film to explore how cognitions about number and theory of mind interact during natural event perception.