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Andy Flick

Outreach Chair, Evolutionary Studies
Scientific Coordinator, Evolutionary Studies

Andy runs the day-to-day operations of Evolutionary Studies. This includes, but is not limited to, science communication (press releases, social media, magazine), grant writing and coordination, outreach planning, event planning, journal club coordination, and seminar series coordination. He is available to read any evolution-focused grant applications or manuscripts you have in progress (VU/VUMC faculty and trainees). He is also always looking for 1) new opportunities to collaborate, 2) new Vanderbilt evolutionary science to share, and 3) undergraduate student workers, so if you are interested, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Andy got his Ph.D. at LSU in the Elderd lab. He studied interactions between predators and pathogens that attack the same prey/host. He then did a postdoc with Johanne Brunet at the USDA in Madison, WI. He studied gene flow of GMOs in roadside alfalfa.

Office: MRBIII 7280A