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Internships, Externships, and Practicums

Undergraduate Schools

Internship and practicum courses afford undergraduate students the opportunity to pursue real-world job experience for academic credit.

These courses are categorized in the curriculum by course number.

  • Internship courses are numbered in the range 3880-3889.
  • Practicum courses are numbered in the range 3870-3879.

Students wishing to enroll in internship and practicum courses must obtain certain approvals to do so. Specific policies governing these courses are defined at the school level. For more information, please see the Undergraduate Catalog.

Under certain circumstances, students who are required by their internship program to earn academic credit may qualify for a summer internship tuition subsidy. Information is available from the Career Center.


Graduate and Professional Schools

Policies surrounding internship, externship, and practicum courses are defined and enforced at the school level. For more information, please see the appropriate School Catalog.