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Cancellation, Leave of Absence, and Withdrawal


Cancellation results in the removal of all enrollments for the term. Students may request a term cancellation through their school’s Office of Academic Services prior to the first day of classes. Students who are not enrolled in classes by the university census date will be cancelled automatically by the university.

Cancellations are not noted on the permanent record, and no tuition or fees are charged.

Improper notification of cancellation may result in academic and financial penalties.

Withdrawal and Leave of Absence

Students who must leave the university after the term has begun and who have attended at least one class may request a permanent withdrawal or temporary leave of absence through the appropriate official in their school. Additional policies concerning withdrawal for medical or emotional reasons can be found in the Student Handbook.

Students should be aware of the financial impacts of a withdrawal or leave of absence. Each year, the Office of Student Accounts posts the refund and withdrawal schedule to its website. Improper notification of withdrawal or leave of absence may result in academic and financial penalties.

Students on leave of absence should continue to notify the university of any changes in address via the Address Change application in YES.

Undergraduate Schools

A student wishing to permanently withdraw or take a leave of absence from one of the four undergraduate schools must first obtain approval from an associate dean in their school.

Registration information for the term in which a student intends to return from leave of absence will be sent via email.

A student who plans to return from medical leave must submit appropriate documentation to the Student Care Coordination office. For deadlines and more information, please click here.

Specific policies related to withdrawal, leave of absence, and return from leave of absence are defined at the school level. For more information, please consult the Undergraduate Catalog.

Graduate and Professional Schools

Specific policies related to withdrawal, leave of absence, and return from leave of absence are defined at the school level. For more information, please consult the appropriate School Catalog.