Writing Studio News & Notes – Faculty Edition
We’re near the end of a busy first month of the spring semester, so we’re reaching out with a couple of Writing Studio reminders.
Keep reading for more information on the many Writing Studio resources available to you and your students this semester and a Save the Date for the 2025 Undergraduate Writing Symposium.
Writing Studio Support for your Spring Courses
Writing Studio consultants have already visited classes all over campus this semester. Take a moment to consider requesting a Brief Introduction to the Writing Studio or an In-Class Workshop for your own course.
Brief Introductions to the Writing Studio
We know from feedback that bringing a consultant into the classroom is one of the most effective ways to encourage students to work with us on their writing. Writing Studio consultants are prepared to deliver ten-minute presentations on the essential details of our services.
Visit our class visit page for more information or to make a request.
In-Class Writing Workshops
Graduate writing consultants and Writing Studio administrators are available to lead workshops on specific elements of the academic writing process. Our standard workshops cover a variety of essential topics:
Professional staff members can also help develop a workshop tailored to your course’s specific needs. Past custom topics have included case studies, literature reviews, podcasts, film analyses, op-eds, and more.
Visit our class visit page for more information or to make a request.
Writing Pedagogy Consultations
Stuck on an assignment? Not sure about assessment? Feeling rusty? The Writing Studio staff is here to help. Full-time administrators are available to discuss the teaching of writing, including course design, writing assignments, resources for student writing support, and more.
To schedule an appointment, please contact our Administrative Specialist by emailing writing.studio@vanderbilt.edu.
Visit the Writing Studio’s Faculty page for additional information and resources available for instructors.
Save the Date: 2025 Undergraduate Writing Symposium
Theme: Writing Transitions, Writing Milestones
When: Friday, March 28, 3:00-6:15 PM
The Writing Studio invites any and all interested faculty to join us for the 17th Annual Undergraduate Writing Symposium. Generously cosponsored by the Martha Rivers Ingram Commons, Vanderbilt Libraries, and A&S Core Office, this event will celebrate the transformative power of immersing ourselves in writing, critical inquiry, research, and creative expression.
Event panels will put outstanding first-year writers in conversation with upper-division undergrads engaged in honors theses, independent study, and other advanced writing projects.
Stop by for a single panel or stay for the whole event! The full Symposium schedule will be available as the event approaches on the UWS homepage.
Share and Subscribe!
We distribute our monthly newsletter to those teaching first-year writing seminars and W courses. To reach a wider audience, we also ask that departments forward it on to their faculty.
Want to stay updated yourself? Ensure our emails continue coming your way by taking a moment to subscribe to our Writing Studio Faculty News and Notes listserv.
Reach out to us at writing.studio@vanderbilt.edu.