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LGBTQI Life E-Newsletter [Vanderbilt University]


April Newsletter


The KC Potter Center wishes everyone well as they gear up for these last weeks of coursework. We acknowledge, however, this isn’t ‘back to business as usual,’ as several tragedies have sent shockwaves, loss, and grief throughout our communities last week. We stand against all acts of violence and hate, and hope to remind those suffering right now that they are not alone in the healing process.

March 31st was International Transgender Day of Visibility, and for many trans people, recently they feel too visible – but rarely seen. We celebrate our trans siblings, neighbors, families, friends, and youth. These artists, educators, leaders, and activists have enriched our histories and our communities. We also recognize the very real challenges that so many trans members and communities face. As the task force remains hard at work, our charge for wellness and education in light of legislative battles has taken the form of self-sustaining resources and opportunities to be in and find more community. In collaboration with the Office of Wellness, processing sessions have now extended to faculty, staff, and postdocs. Student Care Network satellite hours and affinity groups continue at the KCPC throughout the month of April. We also co-host a writing workshop and reading from Casey Plett, as part of our Trans and Nonbinary Author Series.

Thank you to those of you who continue to request and attend PRIDE and Straight Facts training to learn more about LGBTQIA+ communities and allyship across shifting contexts. Since showing up for others is a learning journey that takes many forms, we also look forward to April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and Project Safe’s line-up of programming. Whether at the KCPC or across campus, we encourage all LGBTQIA+ and allied students, faculty, and staff to check on, be with, and celebrate your community.

Office of LGBTQI Life



4/3 Processing Session for Students

LGBTQIA+ students are invited to an processing session on Monday, April 4th from 3-4pm at the KCPC with UCC with individual appointments available from 2-3pm. Sign-up here.

4/5 Banned Book Reading Group: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

Join EDI’s April reading group for The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie on 4/5 at 12pm in Central Library Room 800BB. Lunch provided. Facilitated by the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Contact Linzie Treadway for more information.

4/13 Love Wins: An Open Conversation with Jim Obergefell

Join us Thursday, April 13th from 12:30-1:30pm at Flynn Auditorium in Vanderbilt’s Law School for “Love Wins: An Open Conversation with Jim Obergefell.” This event is presented by the Hyatt Fund in partnership with The George Barrett Social Justice Program, the Vanderbilt LGBTQ+ Policy Lab, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Community, Outlaw, and Law Students for Social Justice.

4/14 TGNB Author Series: Lunch and Writing Workshop with Casey Plett

LGBTQI Life welcomes all writers and anyone interested in publishing, editing, and the writing process to an informal lunch and writing workshop with award-winning author, Casey Plett Friday, April 14 from 12-2pm. Come say hi, eat a free meal, ask some burning questions, and practice your writing craft! Also featuring student readings by Sawyer Sussner (’24) and Qwynn Foster (’25). RSVP here.

4/14 TGNB Author Series: A Safe Girl to Love: An Evening with Casey Plett

LGBTQI Life presents the final event in its 2023 Transgender and Nonbinary/TGNB Author Series, featuring Casey Plett and the relaunch of her first book, A Safe Girl to Love. A book signing will follow the reading. The event is free and open to the public. RSVP here.

4/19 Roots of Vulnerability: Understanding Sexual Violence and the Queer Community

Join Project Safe for a Sexual Assault Awareness Month event featuring guest speaker Uri Samis (she/they).

We hear over and over that LGBTQIA+ individuals are significantly more likely to experience sexual violence in their lifetimes. But why? What are the individual and systemic conditions that set up a queer person’s vulnerability to sexual violence, and what can be done to better understand and prevent it? This one-hour training and conversation will explore the dynamics behind the tragic statistics and facilitate ideas for prevention and healing. RSVP here.

4/26 LGBTQIA+ Pre-Professional Panel with LAVA + Career Center

On Wednesday, April 26th at 6pm via Zoom, join LGBTQI Life, the Career Center, and LAVA, the LGBTQIA+ Association of Vanderbilt Alumni, for a pre-professional panel on Zoom about being out in the workplace. RSVP here for the Zoom link.

LGBTQI Life Programming Survey

What do you need from us? Complete our short 3-minute survey to provide input on our LGBTQI Life events and programming.


4/8: Lavender Graduation Award Nomination Submission Deadline; 4/14 RSVP Deadline

Lavender Graduation | Office of Diversity and Inclusion | Wichita State UniversityWe are introducing a new Outstanding Student Organization award this year! All award submissions and RSVPS for graduating students are due by April 8th. Register to attend here by April 14th.


The Inclusive Connector

Inclusive Connector

To learn about news, events, and happenings related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, sign up for the Inclusive Connector. Please sign up here.

4/1 – 4/23 Sexual Assault Awareness Month

The theme for Sexual Assault Awareness Month this year is: Drawing Connections, Prevention Demands Equity. The team at Project Safe is proud to present a collection of events and programs that honors that theme with 27 events starting April 1, 2023 and ending on April 23, 2023. Find out more on Instagram, online, and AnchorLink.

4/2 STEM Tutor Applications Due

Tutoring is a great way to hone your own knowledge of a subject and to build valuable interpersonal communication skills. STEM Tutor Applications are due 4/2. 


4/6 Tolman/Women’s Center Dinner and Discussion

Join us for a discussion about ways that men can become better feminists and allies for gender equality hosted by the Women’s Center ambassadors. The event is Thursday, April 6th from 5-6 pm in the Community Event Space MPR and a catered dinner will be provided on an RSVP basis. RSVP will be sent out via google forms.

4/10-4/14 Transfer Student Appreciation Week

The inaugural Transfer Student Appreciation Week is from April 10-14, 2023! Read about the week’s events here. And all students, transfer or not, are invited to all events. The senior banquet on April 14 is the exception.


4/18 TEDxVanderbiltUniversity

TEDxVanderbiltUniversity will take place in Ingram Hall at the Blair School of Music on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Doors will open at 5pm and the show will start at 6pm, with a reception with light appetizers and refreshments after. Tickets are free and available on a first-come-first-served basis. Request your tickets for in-person attendance at http://vanderbi.lt/tedx-tickets. An online live stream will be available for those who are not able to attend in-person. If you plan to watch online, please do not reserve tickets. The event will be streamed on Vanderbilt University’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/vanderbilt. More information can be found here.

4/20 Visual Arts Students and Faculty Free Tour: Frist Art Museum Exhibition of Jeffrey Gibson: The Body Electric

About the Frist - Frist Art Museum

The Jeffrey Gibson: The Body Electric exhibition at Frist runs 2/3-4/23. This major exhibition is devoted to one of today’s leading artists, whose multidisciplinary practice combines aspects of traditional Indigenous art and culture with a modernist visual vocabulary. Visual arts students and faculty are invited to join the Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, with support from the Student Center for Social Justice & Identity and the Studio Arts department, for a free tour of the upcoming exhibition of Jeffrey Gibson’s The Body Electric on 4/20. RSVP here.

Survey: VU+ VUMC Menstrual Products Initiative

Menstrual Products by Sarah Moreau on DribbbleA Vanderbilt medical student is working on a VU/VUMC campus initiative advocating for inclusive, gender-neutral language. Specifically, trying to change the signs on restroom waste bins from their current “Place feminine products here” and visuals of a stick figure in a dress, to a more inclusive label of “Place menstrual products here” with gender-neutral visuals. Please provide feedback about this initiative here.

Vanderbilt’s PRISM Queer Students of Color in STEM (QSOC-STEM) paid research study

PRISM (Power, Resistance & Identity in STEM Education) research lab is recruiting for a paid research opportunity. Undergraduate Black, Latinx, and Asian LGBTQ+ students pursuing STEM majors at Vanderbilt can express their interest as a participant by going the recruitment form. Student participants will be paid $20/hour in online Amazon gift cards.


Nashville Launch Pad Volunteer Opportunities

Nashville Launch Pad’s Emergency Shelter needs MANY volunteers to make it run smoothly, such as evening shift, laundry service, meals and one-time projects. On-site volunteering in the shelter requires attending a 2 hour training. Please feel free to contact NLP with questions.

SHINE Strong Training Program

SHINE Strong is a year-long training program for undergraduates interested in developing expertise in HIV prevention science and trans and nonbinary population health research. Submit your application here by 4/14.



Faculty and Staff Affinity Group

This group is a place for employees who identify as LGBTQIA+ and their allies. The LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group, known as the Glammadores, will host regular meetings aimed at providing resources for LGBTQIA+ employees and allies, including social networking, meetups, guest speakers, support navigating workplace interactions and more. For more information or to join, contact Linzie Treadway or Derek Nido

Atzmi Affinity Group

Our Undergraduate Communities | Vanderbilt Hillel

Atzmi is Hillel’s community for LGBTQ+ Jews and Allies. With programming ranging from Jewish learnings on gender identity to drag race watch parties, Atzmi provides space for all our ‘Dores to engage in topics of identity, sexuality, love, and relationships through Jewish texts and perspectives. Connect here.

Bi/Pan/Fluid Affinity Group

A blue square with dark blue tiled edges and a purple rectangle in the upper right corner features the words The Bi/Pan/Fluid affinity group provides a supportive and brave space for people who want to explore bi/pan/fluid or otherwise non-straight/non-heterosexual identities and experiences. Join us for conversation, exploration, and fun! Connect here.

BlackOut Affinity Group

BlackOut is an affinity group that facilitates the coming together of black LGBTQIA+ members of the Vanderbilt community in order to provide support and share space and experiences. BlackOut is co-sponsored by The Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center. Connect here.

Queer & Asian Affinity Group

Q and A Queer and Asian Affinity Group logoThe Queer and Asian (Q&A) affinity group provides space for students who are LGBTQIA2S+ and Asian American, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander. Join us for resources, conversation, and fun! Connect here.

Willow Affinity Group

WilWillow provides an affirming, open space for women, women-aligned people, and lesbians attracted to other women, women-aligned people, and lesbians to discuss their experiences, share resources, and find a focused, supportive community where their identities are centered. Join us for meetings, movie nights, and more! Connect here.

Plurality Affinity Group

Plurality provides a brave space for LGBTQIA+ people who identify with or are practicing polyamory or consensual non-monogamy. Plurality delves into the history, representations, and skills involved with polyamory and consensual non-monogamy. Join us for resources and discussions! Connect here.

Transgender, GenderQueer, Questioning

TGQ is an affinity group that provides space to discuss the continuum of gender identity and expression, particularly for students who identify across the Trans spectrum, as well as those questioning. Join us for conversation, community, fun, and resources! Connect here.

Ace/Aro Affinity Group

The Ace/Aro affinity group provides a supportive space for people who identify on the asexual and/or aromantic spectrums to discuss their experiences as it relates to navigating both queer and heteronormative spaces. Connect here.

LatinQ Affinity Group

The LatinQ affinity group is an opportunity for people who identify as LGBTQIA+and are Latin American to share resources, build community, and discuss the intersections of all their identities. Connect here.

*Interested in joining a group or being a facilitator? Fill out this form.

Interested in reserving the KCPC for a meeting or event? Complete your request here.


Book a P.R.I.D.E. or Straight Facts Training

Your whole office, classroom or unit can book a 1-hour Straight Facts workshop and/or 3-hour P.R.I.D.E training.

LGBTQI Life Google Calendar

Check out our Google Calendar for all events, drop-in services, etc.

New Discord Server

Request to join our new Discord Server for events, games, movie nights, and more.

LGBTQI Life AnchorLink

Join our AnchorLink to stay up-to-date on all events hosted and co-hosted by the Office of LGBTQI Life.

Newsletter Online

Find previously published and current newsletters online.


STEM Tutoring

Every Thursday, 3 – 5pm

Make an appointment with a STEM tutor to meet at our KCPC lounge satellite office here.

Continuum: LGBTQI+ Support Group

Every Thursday, 4-5:30pm (virtual)

Continuum is a group for students wishing to give and receive support around sexual identity and/or gender identity. If interested, please contact one of the following UCC staff members:
Kyle Shadrick at aaron.k.shadrick@vanderbilt.edu
Ashley Weber at ashley.c.weber@vanderbilt.edu

Writing Studio

Every Tuesday, 10am – 12pm

Need writing help? Drop in to see a writing tutor in our lounge or make an appointment here.

UCC Drop-In Consultation Hours

Every Monday, 2pm – 4pm

UCC Counselors will be available to students weekly without an appointment during a two hour window every Monday. You can find out more information about drop in consultations here.

OSCC Drop-In Hours

Every Thursday, 10am – 12pm

The Office of Student Care Coordination (OSCC) has weekly satellite hours in our space. OSCC can help with:

  • Planning for a successful semester
  • Identifying and connecting with resources for support on or off-campus
  • Discussing academic options, taking a Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA), and/or assistance with communicating with faculty/Dean’s office
  • Connecting with the University Counseling Center (UCC)

Find out more here.

Global Education Office Hours

Every Tuesday, 2pm – 4pm

Study abroad advisors from the Global Education Office will be present the first Tuesday of every month from 2-4pm to provide drop-in consultations.

VRS Pride Meetings

Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 12pm – 1pm

LGBTQI-identified people in recovery or currently struggling with habits that are ultimately detrimental to one’s wellbeing are invited to Vanderbilt Recovery Support group meetings at the Center for Student Wellbeing.

LGBTQI Life  |  Anchor Link
phone: 615-32(2-3330)  |  email


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