Welcome to SkyVU in Review – features, announcements, tips & tricks and other updates for Vanderbilt’s Oracle Cloud system and related processes.
Oracle Cloud Updates
Prepare for Oracle Update 20C on August 21-22
Testing is underway for the new release of Oracle Cloud update 20C, and additional information regarding applicable updates and new features will be shared over the course of the next few weeks via user group meetings, email and/or MyVU as applicable.
Scheduled Downtime
The quarterly upgrade will begin at 9 p.m. on Friday, August 21, and continue through Saturday, August 22.
A downtime notice will be displayed on our website while the upgrade and testing are underway and will be removed when these activities are complete and the system is available to all users.
Current System Updates
Update: International Individual flag no longer required for non-catalog requisitions starting Monday, August 3
Beginning on Monday, August 3, users will no longer be required to designate whether a supplier is an International Individual on Non-catalog Requisitions and Non-PO Payment Requests.
This manual entry field will no longer be needed following an update to automatically route requisition approval for suppliers with a tax organization type of Foreign Individual to the International Tax Office.
In Focus
COVID-19 Return-to-Campus Acknowledgments for Incoming Students
As the fall semester approaches and students confirm their plans to study on campus or remotely, the University Registrar’s Office has begun the process of emailing the students to provide information and instructions for completing their return-to-campus acknowledgment in Oracle Learning.
Course Assignments
Students are automatically assigned the course that applies to them based on their status as an undergraduate or graduate student and then are provided access to complete either the Standard or Remote course offering of the acknowledgment based on their plans. For graduate students in the Schools of Medicine and Nursing, there is also a course offering for Experiential/Clinical learners that is assigned automatically to those students.
Note that if your area has non-Vanderbilt interns or observers who have been approved to be on campus, they must also complete an acknowledgment but will not be automatically assigned as their records are not provided via the VU student systems. Please email our team to request assignment for these users.
Tip of the Week
Additional resources for Postdoc hiring and assignment changes added to the Help Center
We have recently added a number of step guides to the Oracle Help Center to assist with hiring and assignment changes for Postdocs.
To access these resources:
- Open the Help Center;
- Enter the keyword Postdoc; and then
- Click the title to launch the on-screen guidance or click the arrow icon to review or share a list of all steps.
2020 User Group Meetings
All user group meetings for the remainder of the summer semester will be hosted via Zoom.
Details for each meeting are posted on the VU Shared Administrative Calendar – please subscribe to the calendar to add these to your calendar.
Finance and HCM Users
Next meeting: Thursday, August 13 @ 2:35-3:50p
Recordings of the combined Approver, FUM and HCM Specialist user group meetings are available in Oracle Cloud Continuing Education: Financials and Core HR course in Oracle Learning.
Procure-to-Pay Users
Next meeting: Friday, August 14 @ 9-9:30a
Recordings for these meetings are available in Oracle Learning catalog. Recent meeting recordings and materials:
All Oracle Procurement users are encouraged to participate in the user group meetings.