July 2020
Peabody Neighborhood Project Updates
The Peabody Neighborhood Project continues to progress and aspects of the project are being finalized.
Seeing Green
The grass seeds in the esplanade are popping up and it is beginning to look like the iconic Vanderbilt lawn again.

Along with grass being planted, the pathways throughout the area are completely open. One major improvement to the pathways is the addition of an accessible ramp at the entrance of the Wyatt Center (see photos below).
Peabody Campus Logistics Map

Click the map for a larger image
Construction & Mobility Updates
- Construction continues on the Connector Building between Home Economics and Mayborn buildings as the roof is being installed.
- The boring work underneath Edgehill Avenue is wrapping up and crews will begin the bore work underneath 19th Avenue.
- Opening of the cafe inside the new Connector Building has been postponed until further noticed due to COVID-19.
- The university, in coordination with Messer Construction, established a live update site that features a weekly schedule of construction activity and a regularly updated map of the Peabody Neighborhood with construction and fencing noted. The link can also be found on the Peabody Neighborhood webpage, a hub of information for community members on all of the efforts at Peabody.
- If you believe noise or construction activities are taking place outside of established working hours, or if you believe there is a non-emergency issue, please use the Construction Feedback Form, the hotline email Constr_alerts@Vanderbilt.edu or call (615)-343-9675.
- For parking questions, contact VUPS Parking Services at (615) 322-2554.
- Follow @FacilitiesVU on Instagram and Twitter for up-to-date traffic routes, utility outages and information on the Peabody Neighborhood project.

For those interested in viewing the current state of construction and the weekly schedule of construction activity, please visit the Messer Vanderbilt Construction website.
Upcoming Milestones
The first phase of the Peabody neighborhood efforts includes the renovation of the Home Economics and Mayborn buildings.
Milestones are subject to change and will be updated monthly. Past milestones can be found in previous issues of the Peabody neighborhood newsletter.
Summer 2020
- Appleton beautification complete.
- Home Economics and Mayborn to be completed by July 2020.
- Steam to hot water building conversion complete.
Online Resources
Helpful Apps
- Updates regarding new COVID-19 protocols will be shared in the next newsletter, please consult the Return to Campus website for the latest information. Plans for outdoor spaces, building circulation, dining services and more will be updated regularly on this website.
Vanderbilt University | FutureVU Peabody Neighborhood Newsletter | 421 Kirkland Hall
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