Welcome to SkyVU in Review – features, announcements, tips & tricks and other updates for Vanderbilt’s Oracle Cloud system and related processes.
Oracle Cloud Updates
Additional resources now available in the Help Center
In preparation for an update to our SkyVU website, we have recently updated the Help Center within Oracle Cloud to include all of the current policies, templates and quick guide resources that users have previously accessed via the SkyVU website.
To use any of these resources, click the Help Center icon on your Oracle screen. A list of resources related to your role and current Oracle page will display, or you can enter a keyword to search for additional resources.
Our team will continue streamlining the information available on the SkyVU website in the coming weeks now that the resources have been migrated.
Please email our team if you are unable to locate a resource so that we can ensure continued availability.
Intercompany Approvals
As discussed in the most recent Finance and HR user group, Manage Approvals for intercompany transactions are now located in the tasks list and can be accessed via the icon on the right side of the screen.
In Focus
Purchasing and Payment Services Reminders
Purchasing and Payment services provided a number of important policy and procedure reminders during the most recent procurement user group meeting, which was conducted via Zoom on Friday, March 27.
Purchasing and On-Campus Delivery
Departments are reminded to:
- Purchase only essential items;
- Be attentive to the arrival of shipments and essential service providers on campus; and
- Consider alternate delivery to Station B – Mail Services (LOC-7778), where Vanderbilt Mail Services will receive the package and coordinate pickup or delivery.
Check Payments
During the remote work period, Payment Services is mailing checks to payees whenever possible. Please contact paymentservices@vanderbilt.edu if you have questions about check payments.
Travel Restrictions
Please remember that all university-sponsored travel is currently restricted.
Faculty or staff may request an exception for consideration from their dean or vice chancellor, however no exceptions will be granted for students or postdoctoral fellows.
Tips of the Week
Direct Deposit
Please encourage employees in your areas to enroll in direct deposit (if they have not already) to avoid any delays in pay.
Hiring of Affiliates and Students
As we approach the end of the semester, please remember that the work relationship for a student or affiliate must be ended prior to hiring that individual into a regular, benefits-eligible position. This ensures that their service dates are reflected correctly in their Oracle record, which is important for benefits purposes.
2020 Spring Semester User Group Meetings
All user group meetings for the remainder of the semester will be hosted via Zoom. Details for each meeting are posted on the VU Shared Administrative Calendar.
Finance and HCM Users
Business Unit/Entity Approvers, Financial Unit Managers and HCM Specialists will continue to meet as a combined user group.
Next meeting: Thursday, April 16* @ 1p-2:15p
* Please note: The April meeting schedule has been adjusted to the third Thursday at 1p given the timing of other related meetings.
Procurement Requesters
Next meeting: Friday, April 17 @ 9-9:30a