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West End Neighborhood E-Newsletter [Vanderbilt University]

January 2020

New Transit Hub

The construction team was hard at work over winter break and is making progress on the new Transit Hub located west of Rand/Sarratt.  The transit hub is partially open, and is set to be completed in early February.

Click the map for larger size

Upcoming Activity

  • Line drilling in the West End Neighborhood is underway and will last about three months – through April.  The drilling will occur daily from 9 am to 5 pm. The construction team is working to control dust by using a bagging system. Although it will not eliminate dust, it is the best option to limit the amount of dust in the area.
  • Blasting for RC-B is set tentatively to begin the week of February 17.  Blasting times will be at 9 am, 11 am and 1 pm. If the blasting must be pushed back for any reason, it will take place at 3 pm.  This activity will take place every day, weather permitting, for approximately 4 months.
  • A series of horn blasts – four to five horn blasts – will precede each blasting period. The timing protocols for the blastings are as follows:

Five minutes prior to blast — construction personnel will move to their designated perimeter posts.

Three minutes prior to blast — construction personnel will block all pedestrian traffic (campus and along West End Avenue).

One minute prior to blast —construction personnel will block all vehicle traffic along West End Avenue.

After blast— All clear (long single horn blast) will be sounded after each blast. Pedestrian and vehicle traffic will return to normal operations.

Upcoming Events & Feedback

  • Submit feedback: The Campus Planning & Construction department launched a construction feedback form. The form is a simple way to share feedback if you believe noise or construction activities are happening outside of the working hours put in place or if you believe there is a non-emergency issue. The hotline email Constr_alerts@Vanderbilt.edu and phone line (615) 343-9675 are also available.

  • The Facilities Department is hosting a series of town hall meetings during the 2019–20 academic year. These meetings are an opportunity for the Vanderbilt community to voice their concerns, ask questions and learn about more about the West End Neighborhood project. The next town hall meeting is on Thursday, March 12, from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Carmichael Towers East lounge.
  • Follow @FacilitiesVU on Instagram and Twitter for up-to-date traffic routes, utility outages and information on the West End Neighborhood project. 
  • For parking questions, please contact VUPS Parking Services at (615) 322-2554.


Upcoming Milestones

Milestones are subject to change and updated monthly. Past milestones can be found in previous issues of the West End Neighborhood newsletter. 

Winter 2019/20

  • Tower 4 demo continues.
  • Delta Kappa Epsilon completed in mid-February.
  • Lambda Chi Alpha and Kappa Sigma houses to be completed in late winter.
  • Transit Loop completed in February 2020.

April 2020

  • Community Event Building planned for completion.

2020- 2023

  • July 2020: Complete the Nicholas S. Zeppos College.
  • July 2022: Complete Residential College B (RC-B).
  • July 2023: Complete Residential College C (RC-C).


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VandySafe App



RC-A, Jan. 2020




New Transit Loop

Delta Kappa Epsilon House

Kappa Sigma House

Lambda Chi Alpha House


Vanderbilt University  |  FutureVU West End Neighborhood  |  421 Kirkland Hall

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