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Peabody Neighborhood Newsletter E-Newsletter [Vanderbilt University]

August 2019

Welcome Back!

Summer 2019 is coming to a close and Vanderbilt is excited to welcome back its students and the start of the fall semester.  Read about what has happened over the summer months and upcoming milestones, student move-in plan, events and more below:

Move-in Week

The university continuously strives to balance the project schedule and budget with the student and faculty experience and appreciates the patience, understanding and cooperation of those moving into and working in the neighborhood during this time.

Accessible pathways will be maintained near and around the construction area to make for an easy move-in experience.

Click here for additional move-in details that correspond with this map. 

Construction Updates

  • It is full steam ahead on the Peabody Neighborhood project. The Messer Construction team is hard at work to achieve Vanderbilt’s goal to strengthen Peabody’s connection to the main campus, while increasing sustainability through building renovations, new infrastructure and creating new green spaces for the community to enjoy.
  • While construction continues in the Peabody neighborhood during move-in week, pedestrian pathways will be open to accommodate those moving into the neighborhood.
  • Construction noise will begin around 8 a.m. in residential locations and at 6 a.m. in all other locations.  All construction noise will end by 6 p.m.
  • The university, in coordination with Messer Construction, established a live update site that features a weekly schedule of construction activity and a regularly updated map of the Peabody neighborhood with construction and fencing noted. The link can also be found on the Peabody neighborhood webpage, a hub of information for community members on all of the efforts at Peabody.
  • The Campus Planning & Construction department launched a Construction Feedback Form. The form is a simple way to share if you believe noise or construction activities is outside of working hours put into place or if you believe there is non-emergency issue.  Hotline email Constr_alerts@Vanderbilt.edu and phone-line (615)-343-9675 are also available.


The first phase of the Peabody neighborhood efforts includes the renovation of the Home Economics and Mayborn buildings.

Milestones are subject to change and will be updated monthly. Past milestones can be found in previous issues of the Peabody neighborhood newsletter. 

Fall 2019

  • Last structural steel beam for connector building between Home Economics and Mayborn buildings to be installed in September.
  • Installation of hot water piping to Jesup, Gillette, Memorial, East and Mayborn buildings.
  • Exterior walls on connector building to be poured by November.

Spring 2020

  • Appleton beautification complete.
  • Home Economics and Mayborn to be completed by May 2020.

Fall 2020

  • Steam to hot water building conversion complete.


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