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Peabody Neighborhood Newsletter E-Newsletter [Vanderbilt University]

April 2019

What You Need to Know about Construction during Finals and Commencement

Final exams

The university continuously strives to balance the project schedule and budget with the student and faculty experience and appreciate the patience, understanding and cooperation of those living and learning in the neighborhood during this time.

While construction continues in the Peabody neighborhood, specifically along Magnolia Circle and at the Home Economics and Mayborn site, during finals week, starting April 23, construction noise will not begin until 8 a.m. and will end at 3 p.m.

All Peabody final exams have been scheduled in Wyatt, Sony, or in the classrooms on the south side of Hobbs, which are fartherest away from the other construction activity that is ongoing. These areas are less impacted by noise. No exams are scheduled in Payne Hall or One Magnolia Circle.

Please use the hotline email, Constr_alerts@Vanderbilt.edu and phone number, (615)-343-9675, if you believe noise or activity is outside of the temporary limits put into place.


Follow up-to-date details by downloading the Vanderbilt Commencement app.

Construction Updates

  • The university, in coordination with Messer Construction, established a live update site that features a weekly schedule of construction activity and a regularly updated map of the Peabody neighborhood with construction and fencing noted. The link can also be found on the Peabody neighborhood webpage, a hub of information for community members on all of the efforts at Peabody.
  • Rock excavation and soil removal has begun.
  • Loud noise from foundation preparation construction will be heard throughout the day.

  • The North Pedestrian Bridge will be inaccessible due to maintenance activities starting the week of May 13 until July 31.

Getting Around: Mobility and VandyVans 

  • VandyVans stops continue to be located at North Hall and Hank Ingram Hall. Hours of operation for VandyVans are 6:00 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. daily. A walking escort may be requested, at any time, by calling the VUPS Communications Center at (615) 322-2745.
  • Short-term and long-term mobility solutions for the Peabody neighborhood will be addressed through the development of a long-term mobility and transportation plan, MoveVU, an initiative of FutureVU.
  • For parking questions, contact VUPS Parking Services at (615) 322-2554.



The first phase of the Peabody neighborhood efforts includes the renovation of the Home Economics and Mayborn buildings.

Milestones are subject to change and will be updated monthly. Past milestones can be found in previous issues of the Peabody neighborhood newsletter. 

Summer 2019

  • Peabody Esplanade excavation and construction to begin after Commencement. Will occur in stages, so the entirety of the Esplanade will not be closed at any one time. Excavation work will not interfere with Peabody orientation and Move-In.
  • The HEM connector building foundations and structural steel erection are scheduled to begin in May and June.
  • Work in Peabody Esplanade will intermittently impact pedestrian traffic through spring 2020.
  • Peabody Maintenance building north section and south section of Chiller building partial demolition to occur June 2019.

Spring 2020

  • Appleton beautification complete.
  • Home Economics and Mayborn to be completed by May 2020.

Fall 2020

  • Steam to hot water building conversion complete.

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