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Supplement to Creative People Must Be Stopped

This Supplement to Creative People Must Be Stopped helps individuals read a text on an unfamiliar topic and internalize relevant themes from the book. The Vanderbilt University English Language Center (ELC) created this supplement as part of our mission to address the professional, academic, and practical language needs of students who have a first language other than English. Our supplement includes:

  • reading strategies for building background knowledge and previewing, skimming, and scanning the text
  • an overview of chapter structure: explores skills for improving reading comprehension and speed, including sections about using headings, recognizing chapter organization, and identifying definitions
  • a focus on the author’s writing style: identifies informal stylistic elements to enrich your knowledge of academic writing style
  • applying the author’s advice: guides reflection on how to apply the author’s strategies to your current and future innovation efforts


The ELC’s Supplement to Creative People Must Be Stopped resource is available for download as an individual document: 


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