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October 3 Workshop: Algorithmic Autobiographies on Social Network Sites

Posted by on Monday, October 1, 2018 in Events, News, uncategorized.

Wednesday, October 3, 11:30-1:00pm

Algorithmic Autobiographies on Social Network Sites” — a workshop with Roberto Simanowski and Luciana Gattass-Simanowski

Please join us for a lunchtime discussion and with visiting scholars Roberto Simanowski and Luciana Gattas-Simanowski.

The shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 has provided new tools of self-expression which are significantly different from traditional forms of self-presentation and autobiographical writing. Explicit, linguistic forms of self-expression are increasingly replaced by automated recordings of personal data. The resulting post-human autobiography is an assemblage of deliberate utterances and automated records. Thus identity is constructed as a datafied mirror of a person’s actions rather than as a result of self-reflection. The workshop discusses this issue with regard to social networks such as Facebook and Instagram as well as traditional and contemporary theory and practice of narration in identity construction.

All are welcome, but space is limited.  Please register here for the workshop and lunch.

This discussion is presented in connection with Dr. Sinamowski’s Digital Humanities Colloquium talk, The Fateful Year of 1984:  On Surveillance, FOMO, and the Pleasure of Screens.