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February 8, 2017: Tara McPerson, “Feminist in a Software Lab”

Posted by on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 in Event Archives, News, Spring 2017 Colloquium.

Vanderbilt Center for Digital Humanities

Wednesday, February 8, 4:10 pm

Feminist in a Software Lab

McPherson_Fig02_41Many view the Digital Humanities as a scientific and quantitative endeavor, intent on blending computer science and humanities traditions.  What if we instead imagined the origin story for DH to emerge from the intersection of the arts and the interpretative humanities?  This talk will mine that alternative lineage and explore a series of digital projects that take their inspiration not from the sciences but from feminism, experimental aesthetics and social justice movements.

Tara McPherson is Associate Professor of Critical Studies at the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts.  Her research engages the cultural dimensions of media, including the intersection of gender, race, affect and place.  She has a particular interest in digital media. Here, her research focuses on the digital humanities, early software histories, gender, and race, as well as upon the development of new tools and paradigms for digital publishing, learning, and authorship.