DiSC Workshops Spring 2022
Office of Digital Scholarship & Communication
The DiSC Office is pleased to welcome you back to a new semester and new year. DiSC is offering a new slate of lessons and workshop series this semester, which will be held both in-person and online. These include a number of workshops on introductory and intermediate GIS technologies and techniques, introductions to GitHub, Network Analysis, and Wikidata, as well as beginner and intermediate lessons in both Python and R. As always, additional details, as well as registration and scheduling information, may be found on the website: https://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/disc/workshops.php
Save the date for a Software Carpentries event to be held on March 10th and 11th. Additional details about which will be forthcoming.
If you, your class, or your research group would like training in a particular technology or digital scholarship method, please do not hesitate to contact DiSC at disc@vanderbilt.edu.