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Digital Humanities Writing Group

Posted by on Thursday, October 13, 2016 in uncategorized.

Meets Alternate Mondays, 11 am – noon in the Digital Humanities Center, 344 Buttrick Hall

2225054904_5f77c81928_zThe Digital Humanities Writing Group is comprised of graduate students and faculty in the humanities who are working on writing projects related to their digital scholarship, whether the goal is publication in a discipline-specific venue or one that focuses primarily on digital work. The group meets bi-monthly to offer constructive critique for segments of works-in-progress, as well as support for various aspects of the writing process as it relates to the digital humanities, broadly defined. The aim of this group is to support members in the completion of their chapter/article by the beginning of May. Both scholars beginning a new project and those with projects already in a later stage are encouraged to join. Meetings will be held bi-weekly on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., beginning on October 3rd. To join the group and access the latest information and materials, please contact or for an invite to our Slack channel.

See the DH Calendar for more precise scheduling information.