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Digital Humanities Resources for Faculty

Professional Organizations

ACH (The Association for Computers and the Humanities)
The ACH is the largest professional society for the digital humanities in the U.S. They support and disseminate research and cultivate a vibrant professional community through conferences, publications, and outreach activities. To become a member, visit their website.

ADHO (Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations)
An international umbrella for DH organizations. To learn more, read the ADHO’s mission statement.

HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory)
HASTAC is an interdisciplinary community of humanists, artists, social scientists, scientists, and technologists from over 400+ affiliate organizations including Vanderbilt University. Check out their website to become a member, read about the annual conference, look for DH tools, share ideas, and learn about HASTAC initiatives.

For more information about HASTAC at Vanderbilt, please contact Dr. Daniel Genkins at

Interassociation Caucuses
Many discipline-specific organizations like the American Historical Association, American Library Association, and the Modern Language Association have working groups or committees dedicated to DH based research. Check out the links below or the homepage of your professional society to find out more.


American Council of Learned Societies

The ACLS offers multiple awards including the Digital Extension Grant, which supports digitally based research projects in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. It is hoped that these grants will help advance humanistic scholarship by enhancing established digital projects, extending their reach to new communities of users, and supporting teams of scholars at all career stages as they participate in digital research projects.

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The Mellon Foundation is a key provider of academic funding at the institutional level. Opportunities are also available through the Foundation’s many campus partners. For example, Vanderbilt faculty are eligible to apply for year-long Mellon Fellowships with the University’s Center for Digital Humanities; more information about our 2020-2021 openings will be available on this website in Spring 2020.

NEH Office of Digital Humanities
From funded summer institutes to research grants, start-up support to digital publishing awards, the NEH is an important intellectual and financial resources for digital humanists at every level. To learn more, check out their DH page.

Professional Publications

To stay apprised of current scholarship and debates in the field, check out the series listed here:

Resources for Teaching

If you plan to incorporate digital tools in the classroom or want to learn more about how to do so, consider checking out these resources.

  • Schedule a consultation or check out the teaching guides produced by Vanderbilt’s Center for Teaching. Digitally oriented guides cover subjects that range from how to incorporate podcasting in the classroom to instructions for building digital timelines, online learning to tips on how to collaborate on Wikis with students.
  • The open access EBook Using Digital Humanities in the Classroom includes tips on everything from how to find and evaluate digital resources, design syllabi, evaluate student work, and build community.