Laura Hagele-Strömbergsson: Vanderbilt 2016 THAT Camp
Nov. 2, 2016—Every year, the Vanderbilt digital humanities community looks forward to fall not just because of the promise of slightly cooler weather, but also because of our annual THAT Camp. Short for “The Humanities and Technology”, this two-day un-conference for digital humanists across the Vanderbilt campus provides a wonderful opportunity to come together and learn as...
Introducing the Vanderbilt Center for Digital Humanities
Oct. 26, 2016—(Or, Hello World!) If you saw the announcements last spring, you already know that Vanderbilt University was awarded a $1.5 million grant from the Mellon foundation to create a new Center for Digital Humanities, a trans-institutional center located in Buttrick Hall, with support from the College of Arts and Sciences and the Office of the Provost....