Miguel Nunez
Senior Data Scientist, Myranda Shirk, Leads Mentees to Create Chatbot-like Interface
DSI Senior Data Scientist, Myranda Shirk, is a mentor for the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting) Code for Earth program. Her mentees this summer created a chatbot-like interface to search their data, based on some of Myranda’s previous work at NOAA. ECMWF has… Read MoreSep. 10, 2023
Wernke and Huo awarded NEH grant to conduct the largest archaeological imagery survey in the Western Hemisphere using AI
Vanderbilt University’s research team, led by Steven Wernke, Yuankai Huo, and Parker VanValkenburgh, from Brown University, have been awarded a significant National Endowment for the Humanities grant to develop GeoPACHA 2.0, a next-generation archaeological mapping technology. This innovative project aims to unveil intricate details about vast… Read MoreSep. 8, 2023
Machine Learning–Based Identification of Lithic Microdebitage
Dr. Markus Eberl, Associate Professor Archaeology at Vanderbilt University, speaks about his team’s use of a particle scanner to analyze micro-debitage. They used machine learning to analyze the data set and tried to learn more about early life than we could otherwise. Markus Eberl worked with the… Read MoreSep. 1, 2023
New Course! ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis by Dr. Jules White, Professor of Computer Science
Professor Jules has just come out with a brand new ChatGPT course, focused on Advanced Data Analysis. Free for Students, Faculty and Staff! What can you expect from this new course? Automate tasks in your work and life with ChatGPT Advanced Data… Read MoreAug. 29, 2023