Reflecting on an Inspiring AI Showcase at the DSI!

🌟 A Big Thank You for Joining Us at the AI Showcase! 🌟

We are delighted to share the success of our recent AI Showcase held on Friday, December 1st, at the Data Science Institute. The event was a success, thanks to the participation of brilliant students across Vanderbilt University and the enthusiastic attendees.

Event Highlights:

The showcase, structured like a research fair, provided an engaging platform for students to present their innovative projects in AI. With a dynamic and interactive atmosphere, attendees had the freedom to explore a diverse array of presentations, each competing for a part of the $1,700 prize pool.

Celebrating Our Winners:

A special congratulations to the top three teams – all undergraduates, who truly set the bar high with their groundbreaking projects:

    • ASL Translator by Liv Lockwood: An exceptional project bridging communication gaps with AI.
    • AI for All by Shalini Thinakaran: A language model understanding social justice, showcasing the potential of AI in societal applications.
    • NarrativeNet AI by Daniel Han: An innovative approach to unraveling social networks through narratives.

Each of these projects exemplified the synergy of technology, innovation, and passion, capturing the essence of what we aimed to celebrate at the showcase.

Appreciation for Participants and Attendees:

We extend our thanks to all the participants who displayed their projects, including:

  • Classroom Learning and Assessment Suite (CLAS)
  • Audio Transformers for LIGO Gravity Wave Data
  • Unraveling the Hidden Beauty of the Microscopic World with Deep Learning
  • Mock Interview Preparation Application Using LLMs
  • Faster Medical Diagnostic Test Results Enabled using Time-Series Forecasting
  • Transformers Inc.
  • EmoAI: Intelligent Chat for Emotional Well-being

…and many more exciting projects!

Your creativity and dedication were the highlights of this event. To the attendees, your engagement and curiosity made the AI Showcase not just an event, but a memorable experience.

Looking Forward:

We are already excited about next year’s AI Showcase, anticipating it to be bigger and better. Stay tuned for more updates and future events that continue to explore the fascinating world of AI.

Thank you once again for making the AI Showcase a day of learning, innovation, and celebration. Let’s keep the conversation going and the ideas flowing!

📧 Questions or Feedback?
Reach out to us at for any questions or thoughts on the event.