DSI heads to Orlando for the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) 2023

During the week of September 26th, our Program Manager Amber Douglass and students Ruiqi Zhou, Tiffany Lee, Rachel Montgomery and Aleksandra Cvetanovska, not pictured: Yahan Yang (not pictured) and 30 other students who were virtual participants, attended the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) in Orlando.

GHC Highlights:

GHC celebrates contributions from women and marginalized communities in tech. For an insider view, check our Instagram where Rachel Montgomery shares her experience.

Who Was Grace Hopper?

  • Grace Hopper, a tech pioneer, was among the first women to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics. She developed the first compiler for computer languages and received the National Medal of Technology and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

About GHC:

  • Established in 1994, GHC honors Hopper’s legacy, showcasing women in computing and providing networking and professional development opportunities. It’s the largest gathering of women technologists globally.


  • AnitaB.org, founded in 1997, aims for intersectional equity in the tech workforce by 2025, empowering women and underrepresented communities in the field.

Our team’s attendance at GHC was an invaluable and inspiring experience, celebrating achievements in the community of women technologists. You can be sure we’ll be there again next year in Philadelphia!