Ocean HackWeek 2023 offers unique data science learning experience in oceanography

Vanderbilt University Data Science Institute Senior Data Scientist, Myranda Shirk, is a member of the planning committee for the upcoming OceanHackWeek 2023 (OHW23) and invites any interested DSI students to apply. Myranda will be doing a special session at OHW23 on AI-assisted programming. The deadline to apply for the program is Friday, June 9. The event is a five-day collaborative learning experience focused on computational and data science skills in the field of oceanography. OHW23 aims to enhance students’ ability to work with large and complex oceanographic data by providing tutorials, peer-learning opportunities, and collaborative projects.

Since its inception in 2018, Ocean HackWeek has brought together oceanographers from various backgrounds and career stages to foster inclusivity and promote open science. Through interactive sessions and informal education, OHW encourages the exchange of ideas and facilitates scientific discovery.

OHW23 is scheduled for August 7-11, 2023, and will be a hybrid event, offering both virtual and in-person components. Participants can engage in the event regardless of their physical location. The program includes hands-on tutorials, presentations, collaborative projects, and networking activities spread over the five-day period. The virtual component will feature structured activities and will make accommodations for participants in different time zones. Real-time interactive tutorials, project collaboration, and community-building activities will take place during this time. All tutorials will be recorded for later viewing.

The in-person events will be hosted at the University of Washington in Seattle and a location in Western Australia (TBD). While financial assistance to cover travel and other costs is being considered, it cannot be guaranteed.

Participating in Ocean HackWeek provides Vanderbilt DSI students with an exceptional opportunity to enhance their data science skills, collaborate with industry professionals, and contribute to oceanographic research. The event aligns with the nature of the DSI program, emphasizing complex analysis workflows and fostering an inclusive community.

To learn more about Ocean HackWeek and apply for OHW23,. We encourage all interested Vanderbilt DSI students to take advantage of this unique learning opportunity and apply for Ocean HackWeek 2023 by filling out this form. If you have any questions, you can post in the OHW discussions on Github or email info@oceanhackweek.org.