AI Deep Dive on Jan. 27: Using deep learning to improve bridge structure monitoring and inspections

More than one-third of all the bridges in America are in disrepair, according to a 2022 report. It is one of the greatest infrastructure issues facing the U.S. today. Barge Design Solutions joins the Data Science Institute for this week’s AI Deep Dive to discuss a possible collaborative effort and to see how data science could be used to improve bridge structure monitoring and inspections.

According to the American Road and Transportation Builders Association 2022 Bridge Report, nearly 224,000 bridges in America need repair work. The state of bridges in this country was epitomized in January 2022, when a bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh hours before President Joe Biden was to deliver a speech in the city on our national infrastructure problems.

Barge Design Solutions comes to the DSI asking this question: Can we use AI in conjunction with IoT and network infrastructure to improve inspecting and monitoring of current and future bridges and support structures?

Members from Barge’s Bridge Engineering, Technology Solutions, and Information Technology teams will join our team on Friday, January 27, from 1-2 p.m. at the Data Science Institute’s office in suite 260 in the 19th and Grand building.