Announcing: New Deep Learning Cohort for Fall 2022!

Working on a research project and thinking that deep learning could provide a solid approach for your objectives? Using deep learning networks but wish you had more background or context? Trying your best to make it through online resources, but need a bit more consistency and support?

Join the Fall 2022 DSI Deep Learning Cohort! Participants in the cohort will gain foundational knowledge through practice in applying neural networks to images, text, and tabular data. Participants will also learn about the entire modeling process, including methodological best practices, assessment of metrics, time-saving tips and techniques, deployment, creation of user interfaces and more!

Not an expert in Python? No problem. The cohort will jointly work through the online Practical Deep Learning course by Dr. Jeremy Howard and Dr. Rachel Thomas, which is geared towards learners with some coding experience who want to apply machine and deep learning to real-world problems.

The cohort will have both in-person and asynchronous components, and will meet weekly throughout the semester to discuss the course content, answer questions, and present new findings or progress. The cohort is open to the Vanderbilt community, with an emphasis on supporting postdoc, graduate, and undergraduate researchers applying deep learning in their work.

Excited to join this new learning community of deep learning practitioners? Apply now! Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until end of day on Thursday, September 15th, 2022. We look forward to you joining us!