Join the Party for Cage this Week
Join the party for American composer John Cage as Vanderbilt University and VORTEX continue with a series of Cage-inspired “HAPPENINGS” at the Sarratt Student Center. From noon to 1:00 it will be a collage of turntables, drumming, and dance (and maybe a little spoken word, to boot!).
Later in the week: a panel discussion on John Cage and collaborator Merce Cunningham. Plus: Cunningham Dance Classes, a mini Cage-Symposium, a MusiCircus, and the grand finale: VORTEX percussion joins forces with former dancers of the MERCE CUNNINGHAM DANCE COMPANY on April 1st.
500 seats. 500 lucky people. 100 year celebration. 1 performance=a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Vanderbilt University
Blair School of Music