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Curb Scholar Blog: Junior Year Recap

Posted by on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 in 2012-2015 AY, Creative Campus Blog, Curb Scholars.

This blog post was written by Harrison Kenum.

I’m more than halfway through college. This, dear readers, is an absolutely terrifying thought. Junior year, as I’ve learned, is a time where you think you’ve done both everything and nothing. Two years of college are under your belt, and if you have a packed schedule like me, it’s easy to think that you can’t fit anything else. And yet, something always calls to you, whether it’s a large requirement or smaller, exciting ideas. In my case, it’s both.

Two of the major events looming over me are my Curb internship, which will constitute most of my upcoming summer, and the subsequent Senior Legacy Project my senior year. While I prepare both logistically and mentally for those behemoths, I’ll instead focus on using my knowledge gained from extracurriculars and applying it to the year-long, but smaller projects here at Curb. Our very own Studio CRB, which helped my band Color Me Circle record our first EP earlier this year, is enjoying more success than ever; however, it has seen a decline in live performances here at Curb for various reasons. Therefore, I plan on enlisting several Curb scholars and seeing if we can organize a concert series for local artists here in our facilities. Once I’ve been trained how to use the equipment by former Curb Scholar (and fellow Color Me Circle bandmate) Keith Berquist, I feel that my years of musical experience and the connections I’ve made with other bands will serve me well in this task.

I also expect to aid in the development of Kidternships, an idea that was formulated during our Opening Retreat here at Curb. While the plan that was originally envisioned may no longer be feasible, we plan on serving the greater Nashville community in some shape or form by giving middle-school-aged kids the opportunity to get hands-on experience in fields of study using resources here at Vanderbilt.

As I said, every year is one heck of a ride, and with next year being the culmination of all my work at this school and this scholarship program, I’m taking advantage of this time as a stepping stone. Since Curb will be giving so much to me next year in the form of opportunities and real-world connections, I’m going to do my best to give back in the meantime.