Curb Internship
Curb Internship Blog Post: Compassionate Travel
Jun. 26, 2014—By Ben Shane This blog post is part of the Curb Scholars program. I have faith in humanity when I travel. It comes from hitchhiking in Spain, where strangers interrupted their lives because they saw me for a total of a second-and-a-half on the side of the road and invited me into their cars and...
A Summer Internship in Hualcayán
Jun. 23, 2014—by Karissa Deiter Hello! My name is Karissa and I am an intern with PIARA this summer. My journey with PIARA started two weeks ago, when I arrived at the C.H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa in Memphis, TN to work with director Dr. Robert Connolly and begin preparing educational and outreach materials for the summer...