
Vanderbilt Faculty Volunteers
Faculty participation (both current and emeritus) is integral to our courses. Our students look forward to interactions with scientists each week. Additionally, faculty participation is essential for the centerpiece of our program: the 12th grade research internship that takes place during our Research III course. We recruit University faculty and their personnel to host and mentor a student during a 7-week summer internship that continues in the fall semester. This is a very rewarding experience for both the student and the laboratory.
If you are interested, please send an email to theschool@vanderbilt.edu introducing yourself!
Vanderbilt Postdoctoral Fellow and Graduate Student Volunteers

The Adjunct Teaching Corps is comprised of science and math postdoctoral fellows and advanced graduate students. Adjuncts may be invited by the SSMV faculty to participate in any of the activities listed above according to upcoming lesson plans and the interests of the Corps member. This is a great opportunity to participate in science outreach, gain teaching experience, and share your research with younger students. Time commitments vary, ranging from one hour per week to one hour per semester.
If you are interested, please send an email to theschool@vanderbilt.edu introducing yourself!