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Meet the Instructors

SSMV Faculty
Dr. Rebekah Stanton, Dr. Pam Popp, Mrs. Amanda Dixon, Dr. Menton Deweese, and Dr. Angela Eeds at the graduation ceremony celebrating the SSMV Class of 2024. Photo: Anne Rayner

Ph.D. scientists serve as instructors at the School for Science and Math. These individuals bring a spectrum of experience to the SSMV and work together to develop and implement a research-based, interdisciplinary curriculum.


Angela Eeds, Ph.D.

  • Director, School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt
  • Executive Director, Collaborative for STEM Education and Outreach
  • Molecular Biology: Biomedical Research and Genetics

Menton Deweese, Ph.D.

  • Instructor, School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt
  • Psychology and Neuroscience: Addiction, Affect, and Behavior

Rebekah Stanton, Ph.D.

  • Instructor, School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt
  • Desert and Invasion Ecology

Pamela Popp, Ph.D.

  • Instructor, School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt
  • Cognitive Computational Science

Amanda Dixon, M.Ed. 

  • Assistant Director, School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt
  • Admissions Director and MNPS Liaison