Ben Spiller presents MBTP/CSB RCR Seminar on 3/28/2017
Mar. 22, 2017—Dr. Ben Spiller, Pharmacology, presents the RCR Special Session: “When Do Errors Become Fraud?” on Tuesday, March 28, at 12:30pm-1:20pm in 1220 MRB3.
Research Spotlight – Brandt Eichman
Mar. 6, 2017—CSB Researcher Brandt Eichman, Ph.D., has been featured as a “Member Tale” as part of the SBGrid Consortium. Read more about his lab’s work on DNA remodeling done by the replication machinery and damage tolerance proteins as well as the discovery of novel glycosylases in bacteria, which could reveal new genotoxic agents with therapeutic value....
Special Seminar in Structural Biology – 02/14/2017
Feb. 14, 2017—Dr. Stefan Raunser, Max Planck Institute of Moleuclar Physiology, presents the special seminar: “Structural Insights into Tc toxin action” on Tuesday, February 14, at 3:00pm-4:00pm in 1220 MRB3. This Special Seminar in Structural Biology is co-sponsored by Center for Structural Biology and Department of Cell & Developmental Biology.
Ben Spiller presents MBTP/CSB Seminar on 2/7/2017
Feb. 7, 2017—Dr. Ben Spiller, Pharmacology, presents the MBTP/CSB Seminar: “Antibody Neutralization of Influenza H5 and variants” on Tuesday, March 7, at 12:30pm-1:20pm in 1220 MRB3.
Carlos Lopez presents MBTP/CSB Seminar on 1/31/2017
Jan. 31, 2017—Dr. Carlos Lopes, Cancer Biology, presents the RCR Special Session: “Why good scientists do bad things” on Tuesday, January 31, at 12:30pm-1:20 pm in 1220 MRB3.
Norie Sugitani presents Karpay Lecture at MBTP/CSB Seminar on 1/17/2017
Jan. 17, 2017—Congratulations to Norie Sugitani for being named the 2017 recipient of The Karpay Award in Structural Biology. “I am very thankful and honored to receive the Karpay Award,” Norie said. Norie is a member of the Chazin Lab and is investigating the primary pathway for the repair of the resulting DNA lesions, nucleotide excision repair....
Terry Lybrand presents the MBTP/CSB Seminar on 1/10/2017
Jan. 10, 2017—Dr. Terry Lybrand, Chemistry, presents the MBTP/CSB SEminar: “Oligonucleotide aptamers for therapeutic and biotechnology applications: Challenges and possibilities” on Tuesday, January 10, at 12:30pm-1:20pm in 1220 MRB3.
Teru Nakagawa presents MBTP/CSB Seminar on 11/29/2016
Nov. 29, 2016—Dr. Teru Nakagawa, Molecular Physiology & Biophysics, presents the RCR Special Session: “Tips on incorporating new approaches into your research” on Tuesday, November 29, at 12:30pm-1:20pm in 1220 MRB3.
Research Spotlight: Ray Blind
Nov. 17, 2016—CSB Researcher Ray Blind, Ph.D., has received a two-year V Foundation grant to examine how proteins induce cancerous tumors to grow. The research could enable the development of new therapies for liver cancer patients and help physicians determine which drugs might work best for individual patients. Read the complete article online at VUMC Reporter site.
Research Spotlight: Chuck Sanders
Nov. 16, 2016—CSB Investigator Chuck Sanders, Ph.D., is leading a research team to come up with the first detailed molecular explanation for a factor that may contribute to the so-called cystic fibrosis (CF) “gender gap.” The researchers believe their findings, which were published in Science Advances, an offshoot of Science magazine, may lead to improved treatments for...