Piotr Sliz presents MBTP/CSB Seminar on 9/26/2017
Sep. 21, 2017—Dr. Piotr Sliz, Harvard Medical School, presents the MBTP/CSB Seminar: “SBGrid: a computing environment for structural and computational biologists” on Tuesday, September 26, at 12:30pm-1:20 pm in 1220 MRB3. MBTP-CSB 2017-09-26 Sliz
Marion Sauer presents the MBTP/CSB Seminar on 9/19/2017
Sep. 13, 2017—Marion Sauer, of the Meiler Lab, presents the MBTP/CSB Seminar: “Working towards hitting a moving target: Predicting glycoprotein intermediate backbone and sequence dynamics” on Tuesday, September 19, at 12:30pm-1:20pm in 1220 MRB3. MBTP-CSB 2017-09-19 Sauer
Borden Lacy presents MBTP/CSB Seminar on 9/5/2017
Aug. 29, 2017—Dr. Borden Lacy, Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology, presents the MBTP/CSB Seminar: “Structures and Functions of the Clostridium difficile toxins TcdA and TcdB” on Tuesday, September 5, at 12:30pm-1:20pm in 1220 MRB3. MBTP-CSB 2017-09-05 Lacy
Lauren Salay presents MBTP/CSB Seminar on 8/15/2017
Aug. 14, 2017—Lauren Salay, of the Chazin Lab, presents the MBTP/CSB Seminar: “Do the Fe-S cluster and charge transport through DNA have roles in template priming by DNA primase?” on Tuesday, August 15, at 12:30pm-1:20pm in 1220 MRB3. MBTP-CSB 2017-08-15 Salay
Darwin Fu presents MBTP/CSB Seminar on 7/25/2017
Jul. 19, 2017—Darwin Fu, of the Meiler Lab, presents the RCR Special Session: “#SciComm: Outreach in the age of social media” on Tuesday, July 25, at 12:30pm-1:20pm in 512 Light Hall. Please note the room change for this seminar. MBTP-CSB 2017-07-25 Fu RCR
Brett Collins presents the BioSci/CSB Seminar on 7/24/2017
Jul. 18, 2017—Brett Collins, University of Queensland, presents: “The endosome at atomic resolution” at a special seminar sponsored by Biological Sciences & Center for Structural Biology on Monday, July 24, at 3:10 pm in 214 Light Hall. Please note the location change for this seminar. 7-24-17 Flyer Brett Collins
CSB receives funding for TIPs initiative
Jul. 18, 2017—Vanderbilt University has awarded funding to the Center for Structural Biology (CSB) Trans-Institutional Programs (TIPs) initiative: “A Reinvestment in Cryo-Electron Microscopy at Vanderbilt – VRA.” Initiative participants include CSB faculty and School of Medicine clinical faculty. The project will reinvest in the CSB by acquiring a new microscope that will enable the laboratory to remain...
Introduction to DEER Spectroscopy Workshop – 7/31/2017
Jul. 18, 2017—Join us for the Introduction to DEER Spectroscopy Workshop on Monday, July 31, from 9:30am-5:00pm in 419-D Light Hall. Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER) is a pulsed EPR technique capable of routinely measuring 20 to 60 Å distance distributions between spin labels, and distances over 100 Å have been measured. DEER is widely applicable in the...
Justin Marinko presents MBTP/CSB Seminar on 7/18/2017
Jul. 18, 2017—Justin Marinko, of the Sanders Lab, presents the MBTP/CSB Seminar: “There and Back Again a Proteins Tale: Function and Intracellular Trafficking of Peripheral Myelin Protein 22 (PMP22)” on Tuesday, July 18, at 12:30pm-1:20pm in 1220 MRB3. MBTP-CSB 2017-07-18 Marinko
Chrystal Starbird – Dissertation Defense 7/17/2017
Jul. 18, 2017—Chrystal Starbird, of the Iverson Lab, presents: “Structural insights into the role of assembly factors in the assembly, function and flavinylation of Complex II” on Monday, July 17, at 11:00 am in 206 Preston Research Building.