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FEI Technai T30 Polara cryo-transmission electron microscope


  • 300kV FEG elcectron source
  • LN2 cryo-stage
  • Gatan K2 summit Direct Electron Detection camera (DED)
  • Operated by Gatan DM Software or SerialEM for semi-automated date collection for both single particle projects and tomography
  • Connected to a GPU computer for real-time image processing



This microscope is optimized for high resolution cryo-EM data collection of vitrified samples. The microscope can be used for collecting data for single particle analysis and tomography.

The microscope highly coherent 300kV electron beam together with the outstanding low contamination rate allows for high-resolution data collection sessions spanning several days on the same grid.


Book time on the Polara

Pixel Size Table

Polara Manual