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CryoEM awarded S10 grant

Posted by on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 in News.

Teru Nakagawa and the CSB CryoEM Facility have been awarded an NIH S10 Shared Instrumentation Grant to purchase a Talos L120C TEM.

This TEM will be used to image negatively-stained samples and for screening vitrified samples. Researchers will use this robust screening TEM for extensive trial and error efforts to optimize and identify specimens most suitable for further high resolution analysis. While the Talos L120C will eventually replace the aging Morgagni and TF20 TEMs, which are nearing the end of a serviceable life, there are no immediate plans to decommission these TEMs and the addition of the Talos L120C will expand users’ ability to screen samples.

The Talos L120C will be housed on the 5th floor of the Engineering and Science Building and is expected to be operational by the end of the year.


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