Remote Access Crystallography at SSRL workshop

Jamaine Davis, Meharry Medical College, is hosting an in-person workshop on Remote Access Crystallography at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) on the campus of Meharry Medical College on Friday, May 24, 2024, 9am–3pm.
The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) provides state-of-the-art facilities for structural biology research to the academic research community. All SSRL crystallography beam lines are fully remote accessible and offer advanced robotics for automated crystal quality screening. Intense micro-focus beamlines, BL12-1 and BL12-2, enable rapid “shutterless” data collection using very small crystals. A UV-Vis absorption microspectrophotometer is available at BL9-2 to confirm the electronic state for metalloprotein complexes and poised intermediates and to monitor specific effects of radiation exposure. Other advanced options include support for serial and time-resolved crystallography at SSRL and LCLS, and laboratory space and glove boxes for anerobic crystal growth and mounting.
During this workshop, SSRL scientists will introduce the SMB Macromolecular Crystallography Resource at SSRL and LCLS, including a live remote access demonstration and connect to some SSRL beamlines to present features accessible to remote users. There will also be a hands-on component covering sample and pin preparation, the use of SSRL cassettes and Unipucks, the collection and processing of diffraction data, installation of the NX client software, assistance with SSRL User Portal registration and obtaining User accounts.
For more information, email Jamaine Davis. Register for the workshop here.
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