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Mar. 11, 2020 – Message to faculty about alternative education for remainder of semester

Posted by on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 in Community Messages.

Dear colleagues,

I am following up on the message Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente sent earlier today about the university’s decision to move fully to online and alternative learning for the remainder of the semester.

I fully appreciate what this decision means for all of you, and I thank you in advance for your support and patience during this challenging time. Please know that the university is committed to providing you with the resources and support you need as we make this unprecedented shift to protect the health and safety of all concerned.

Online and alternative learning will launch Monday, March 16, for undergraduate, graduate and professional students. Faculty and graduate assistants should coordinate directly with their deans and department chairs, and staff with their managers, with questions.

We continue to add training sessions to assist you in developing new modes of instruction. While we have limited the size of the individual training sessions in alignment with university guidelines on administrative meetings, we will make training sessions available until every faculty member who needs to do so has participated.

Please check your email and the Center for Teaching website for resources and updates regarding additional training sessions.

Please also be assured that our campus remains safe and open. We are continuing our cleaning, sanitizing, social distancing and other best practices to keep our campus safe. Please also continue to check for guidance, information and updates regarding the university’s response to COVID-19.

At Vanderbilt, we are accustomed to collaborating and finding solutions – this is one of our core strengths. I am confident in our ability to continue to provide a world-class education.

Thank you for your continued support.


Tracey George

Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs