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May 21, 2020 – Vanderbilt Phase 1 of Return to Campus Plan remains in place as Nashville reopens further

Posted by on Thursday, May 21, 2020 in Community Messages.

While Nashville will enter the second phase of its Roadmap for Reopening beginning Monday, May 25, Vanderbilt University will continue to follow its own Return to Campus Plan, which is currently in Vanderbilt Phase 1.

The Return to Campus Plan is tailored to Vanderbilt’s own unique density, operations and other considerations as a residential education institution. The first phase of the Return to Campus Plan began Monday, May 18, and operations that have begun resuming during this phase are on-campus research activities that cannot be conducted remotely.

The university will continue to ramp up various operations in orderly, sequential phases and will communicate with the Vanderbilt community in advance of each phase.

The Return to Campus Plan can be viewed on the university’s COVID-19 website. >>

The following steps and precautions remain in place on the Vanderbilt campus during the university’s Phase 1:
• All staff will continue to work remotely for the foreseeable future unless required to be on campus at the explicit request of their manager.
• All faculty will continue to work remotely for the foreseeable future unless authorized to be on campus by their dean.
• Only residential faculty and a limited number of students with explicit approval are currently residing on campus.
• Buildings are open only to Vanderbilt community members with appropriate access.
• Physical distancing of at least 6 feet between individuals remains in place in all campus spaces, indoor and outdoor.
• Face masks are required in all indoor and outdoor public spaces.
• All those on campus must abide by university social distancing and mask protocols, including any contractors or visitors.
• No events or gatherings may be held on campus.
• The Phase 1 protocols also include density limits in all workspaces and building areas, monitoring and reporting symptoms of illness and other safety precautions.